Christmas is a wonderful time of year for all sorts of reasons, for us as a Church family we remember the coming into of the world God’s Son and our Saviour, Jesus.
Wreath Making – Saturday 11th Dec 3-5pm
A warm welcome to any ladies who would like to make a Wreath. Some time for conversation and craft with a short talk on the bible message of Christmas.
Carol Service – Sunday 19th Dec – 5pm
The Good News of the Gospel at the centre of the Christmas Story makes us glad, we want to sing to God’s praise for all he has done. A warm welcome to all to join us for our Carol Service. We look forward to seeing you there.
(Masks will need to be worn during service)
Christmas Morning Service – Saturday 25th Dec – 10:30am
Presents are opened, Turkey is in the oven, come and join us at 10:30 on Christmas Morning to help us focus on the most extraordinary gift.