RBT October

Introduction to Matthew RBT October 2021

Matthew’s Gospel is the first of the four accounts of the life and teaching of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John).The word ‘gospel’ means good news and refers to the message of salvation in Christ (see Romans 1:1-4). These four books relate the words and deeds of Jesus the Messiah, who proclaimed this message and enshrined it in Himself. The first three are called the ‘synoptic Gospels’ because of their similarity to one another with much of the content common to all three. From the early Christian centuries, Matthew the converted tax collector (Matthew 9:9), also known as Levi, has been regarded as the author of the Gospel.

Written firstly for Jewish Christians in Palestine, probably between 60-65AD, Matthew’s aim was to prove that Jesus of Nazareth was the promised Messiah and that in Him the ancient Old Testament prophecies had their fulfilment. The Gospel is full of references to Old Testament passages where Christ is predicted or foreshadowed. In total Matthew’s Gospel contains sixty five references to the Old Testament of which forty three are direct quotations. It makes it clear that Jesus came not to destroy the ‘Law’ but to fulfil it.

Matthew’s Gospel alternates between accounts of Jesus’ activity  healing , casting out demons and  working other miracles, and setting out major blocks of teaching, including chapters 5-7 the Sermon on the Mount, chapter 13 Parables of the Kingdom and chapters 24-25 the Olivet Discourses. This Gospel sets forth the Kingly glory of Christ and shows Him to be true heir of David. Matthew, in fact, uses the term Kingdom of Heaven thirty two times.

The developing conflict between Jesus and the religious leaders is presented very clearly Its culmination in Him pronouncing ‘seven woes’ upon them and their apparent eventual success in having Him arrested and put to death, are central parts of Matthew’s account

Although it is obvious that Matthew is a Jew to the core, writing primarily for Jewish Christians, he clearly shows that Jesus is Saviour not of Jews alone but of all nations. The concluding verses of this plainly Jewish Gospel tell of Jesus’ ‘Great Commission’ . Here His Jewish followers were sent out into all the world to make disciples from all nations.

RBT Reading Plan for Matthew October 2021
Date Passage Content
Matt1- 1:17 The Genealogy of Jesus – best studied over time with aid of bible handbook etc.
Fri 1st Oct Matt 1:18-2:23 The birth of Jesus, Visit of the Wise Men, Escape to Egypt, Return to Nazareth
Sat 2nd Oct Matt 3:1-12 John the Baptist heralds the coming of the Messiah
Matt 3:13-4:11 Jesus’ baptism by John and subsequent temptation in the wilderness
Sun 3rd Oct Matt 4:12-5:12 Jesus begins His ministry of healing and preaching the Good News
Mon 4th Oct Matt 5:13-48 “You have heard it said… but I say to you..”
Tue 5th Oct Matt 6 Don’t do your religion to be seen and praised by others
Wed 6th Oct Matt 7 Hear Jesus’ words and build your life on that rock
Thu 7th Oct Matt 8 “What kind of man is this? Even the wind and waves obey him.”
Fri 8th Oct Matt 9:1-34 Jesus works more miracles and calls a tax collector named Matthew.
Sat 9th Oct Matt 9:35-10:42 Jesus appoints, commissions and sends out His  twelve Apostles.
Sun 10th Oct Matt 11:1-19 Jesus replies to the questions sent by John the Baptist from prison
Matt 11:20-30 Jesus denounces the unrepentant and promises rest to the weary who come to Him.
Mon 11th Oct Matt 12:1-45 Jesus under attack from the Pharisees
Tue 12th Oct Matt 12:46-13:23 Jesus begins to teach the people using parables.
Wed 13th Oct Matt 13:24-58 Jesus continues to cloak His message in parables
Thu 14th Oct Matt 14:1-33 John the Baptist beheaded, feeding of the 5000, Jesus walks on the water
Fri 15th Oct Matt 14:34-15:20 Traditions versus God’s commandments
Matt 15:21-28 A woman with great faith
Sat 16th Oct Matt 15:29-16:12 Despite Jesus’ many miracles the Sadducees and Pharisees demand further signs from heaven
Sun 17th Oct Matt 16:13-20 Peter’s confession-“You are the Christ the Son of the Living God”
Matt 16:21-28 Take up your cross and follow Jesus
Matt 17:1-13 The Transfiguration
Mon 18th Oct Matt 17:14-23 Jesus heals the boy with a demon
Matt 17: 24-27 Paying the Temple Tax
Matt 18:1-9 Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?
Matt 18:10-14 Parable of the Lost Sheep
Tues 19th Oct Matt 18:15-20 Dealing with sin in the fellowship
Matt 18:21-35 When must I forgive my brother?
Matt 19:1-12 Jesus teaches concerning divorce
Matt 19:13-15 Jesus says, “Let the children come to me”
Wed 20th Oct Matt 19:16-30 The rich young ruler
Matt 20:1-16 The parable of the workers in the vineyard
Thurs 21st Oct Matt 20:17-19 Jesus again predicts His death
Matt 20:20-28 A mother’s request
Matt 20:29-34 Two blind men healed at Jericho
Fri 22nd Oct Matt 21:1-17 Jesus rides in triumph into Jerusalem and enters the Temple courts
Matt 21:18-22 Jesus curses a fig tree
Matt 21: 23-27 Jesus authority challenged
Matt 21:28-46 The parables of the two sons and the tenants
Sat 23rd Oct Matt 22:1-14 The parable of the wedding feast
Matt 22:15-46 The Pharisees and Sadducees seek to catch Jesus out
Sun 24th Oct Matt 23 Jesus pronounces woes against the Pharisees
Mon 25th  Oct Matt 24:1-35 Jesus teaches His disciples about the ‘last days’
Matt 24:36-51 “No-one knows the day or the hour”
Tues 26th Oct Matt 25:1-13 Parable of the ten virgins
Matt 25:14-30 Parable of the talents
Matt 25:31-46 The final judgement
Wed 27th Oct Matt 26:1-35 Events leading up the Jesus’ betrayal
Thurs 28th Oct Matt 26:36-75 Jesus betrayed, arrested and brought before the Jewish Council.
Fri 29th  Oct Matt 27:1-26 Jesus delivered to Pilate
Sat 30th  Oct Matt 27:27-56 Jesus is crucified.
Sun 31st Oct Matt 27:57-28:15 Jesus’ burial and resurrection
Matt 28:16-20 The Great Commission