RBT Reading
RBT Devotion for today provided by Steve Owens on Acts 1:9-11
This Week’s RBT Easter Readings
- Friday – Acts 1:9-11
- Saturday 1 Cor 15
- Sunday – 1 Timothy 5 (Back to Normal RBT)
- Monday – 1 Timothy 6
Bay Time – Episode 030
What a wonderful time we had yesterday listening to the extraordinary story of Shino and Shania, a Somalian couple wonderfully brought to a knowledge of the Saviour. Here is the link to their YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvqX_L0Rm9KZ3Qv20qR10NQ there are two English language videos, to benefit from the rest you will need to learn Somali! Today we have more special guests we have Maged and Joan Drotta providing an update on their work for the Lord.
Zoom Link in email inboxes and WhatsApp Groups
Bay Family Quiz.
We are looking for Baby photos of you to be sent in so that we can have a quiz round trying to guess which photo matches up to which one of us. If you would like to send them in to me I can co-ordinate. I have barely received any yet.
The Week Ahead.
Friday BayTime – Special Guests 3. Maged & Joan Drotta.
Saturday BayTime – Bay Family Quiz.