Daily Briefing – 07.05.2020

RBT Devotion.

Please find this morning’s devotion from Glenn on Genesis 6 

BayTime Episode 42 – Lester Freckleton

We have Lester Freckleton Pastor of the Vine Community Church joining us today. We look forward to hearing more about how the church there in Butetown is getting on and also a little bit about Lester’s work among the homeless.

 Zoom Link on Email and Whatsapp.

BayTime – Schedule  

 We have guests booked on consecutive Thursdays for the next few weeks.

  • Today Lester
  • Next Thursday (14th) – Hartiel’s – Missionaries in France
  • Thursday 21st – Nicola Edkins.

Tuesdays are less full up if you have something you feel you could contribute let me know. We look forward to hearing Glenn’s testimony on Tuesday afternoon.

Bay Church Art Gallery – from Tony.

Thank you so much for your contributions to the creative activity! Feel free to send me more paintings, drawings, photos, poems, etc. on the theme of ‘the view from my window’, or if you prefer have a think about the next subject, ‘friendship’. I will collect them up and add them to the church Facebook page on Friday evening. Everyone is very welcome to have a go!