RBT Devotion.
It is great when someone takes initiative and fills a gap. Glenn spotted a gap in the reading scheme which was today, and has given us a short devotion on a couple of verses which will help prepare us for Genesis tomorrow. Please find Devotion Here.
Up & Coming Plan.
We have decided to switch from the designated book for May (1 Chronicles) to Genesis. There are a number of reasons for this that we needn’t go into but we do feel that Genesis (which we would have come to in August anyway) will be of more benefit to us in our current situation. Genesis is a big book, Bob has provided a Reading plan which gets us to Gen 25 by the end of May. Below are the suggested reading for the next 7 days.
- Friday – Gen 1:1-2:3
- Saturday – Gen 2:4-25
- Sunday – Psalm 19
- Monday – Gen 3
- Tuesday – Gen 4
- Wednesday – Gen 5
- Thursday – Gen 6
BayTime – Episode 038 – Today
Today we are really glad to have some missionary friends join us on BayTime please tune in and hear how they are getting on before and after Coronavirus.
Zoom Link on email and WhatsApp
Officers Meeting
The Officers will be meeting this evening. Please remember us in prayer for much needed wisdom.
Bay Church Art Gallery – from Tony.
Thank you so much for your contributions to the creative activity! Feel free to send me more paintings, drawings, photos, poems, etc. on the theme of ‘the view from my window’, or if you prefer have a think about the next subject, ‘friendship’. I will collect them up and add them to the church Facebook page on Friday evening. Everyone is very welcome to have a go!
Coming Up This Week…
Saturday Family Quiz – 12pm.