Good morning.
RBT Devotions
Please find todays devotion by Glenn on 2 Timothy 3.
Bay Time Episode 034 – Today
This Afternoon at 12pm we will be hearing from Pam about her time in Vietnam. It will cover Hanoi from the point of view of what life is like, a glimpse of Brian and Pam’s new church family, typical day in their new lives and a focus on the young urban population and our church’s involvement in villages outside Hanoi. Pam is keen for the young people in the church to be engaged so let them know its on, forward them the link if they want it on their devices, as long as it stay within families.
Zoom Links on Email and WhatsApp
Windows of Truth
A further two episodes have been recorded, one of which has been edited and should be online today. Keep an eye here YouTube Playlist or on our Facebook Page. Windows of truth are short 5 min illustrations from the world of Coronavirus which might help people understand some gospel truths. I hope they are of some help.
Another day yesterday of prompt replies, thanks so much! Still one or two I am waiting for, can then be printed and posted.
Plan For The Week.
Today – BayTime 12pm – Pam on Vietnam – Families particularly welcome to log in and ask Pam questions.
Saturday – Bay Church Family Quiz 12pm – Sam Mc in the hot seat again.