RBT Devotions
There has been a bit of a mix up with the chapters I have been suggesting you read. Today we return to out RBT books of the month with 2 Timothy now being our focus. Bob has attached a short introduction and a devotion on 2 Timothy 1.
Bay Time Episode 33.
Yesterday was our first break in cycle for over a month. It will be good to be back together again this afternoon at 12pm. Chris Owens will be doing a book review on John Piper’s new book. You can find it here as a free download with audio book available. https://www.crossway.org/articles/coronavirus-and-christ-by-john-piper/ You even have time to read it before BayTime!
Zoom Link on email and WhatsApp
Open House
The open house group which normally meets on a Tuesday is continuing to meet on Tuesday mornings. Today will be the first attempt to re-launch Christianity Explored on Zoom. If you would like to know more get in touch with Beth. Zoom links on WhatsApp.
Change of Plan
On Sunday we announced that we will be reducing the regularity of BayTime episodes from 7 a week to 4. We hope this means our provision is more sustainable in the coming months as we don’t know how long this situation will last. We also hope it makes time in the week for more focused 1:1 conversations and pastoral care. If you are unwell, experiencing symptoms, feel low, or are facing financial difficulties dies to the current situation please let us know. This week our BayTime Episodes will be today (Tuesday), Thursday and Saturday.
Plan For The Week.
- Tuesday – BayTime 12pm – Coronavirus and Christ.
- Wednesday – Prayer Meeting – 8pm
- Thursday – BayTime 12pm – Pam on Vietnam – Families particularly welcome to log in and ask Pam questions.
- Saturday – Bay Church Family Quiz 12pm – Sam Mc in the hot seat again.